Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch Adventure! 10-19-08

We took all the munchkins to the Chesterfield Berry Farm Pumpkin Patch on Sunday and they had an absolute blast!

It was tough getting them to do the activities when every 10 minutes they were asking when they were going to see the "punkins".  It was a little chilly with the breeze, but the weather was beautiful and it was a great day.

More Pics from the outing:
IMG_1066 We were parked on Pumpkin Rd.  Isn't that just the cutest?

IMG_1067 We were trying to get a picture of the 3 of them in their matching shirts, "I'm Grandma's Payback", but they wanted nothing to do with that!

IMG_1070 Waiting in line for the "choo choo" ride. Ian thinks he's cool in his shades and camo jacket.

IMG_1073 Connor is ready to go!

IMG_1074 Ian is ready to go!

IMG_1075 Phoenix is ready! Corey is still checking things out.

IMG_1085 Weeeeee that was fun!

IMG_1103 Climbing on the hay bales.

IMG_1094 Sitting on the hay bales.....what's up with that face?

IMG_1109 The moon really isn't that bouncy....but they had fun anyway :-)

IMG_1114 Ian staring down the chicken.  Didn't get a picture of it, but a  rooster was right at the fence and he crowed.  Scared the heck out of all of them.


IMG_1119Taking a short little wagon ride.  Very bumpy.....hurt the butts a lot.

IMG_1120 LOL!!  Taking a quick snack break and everyone is watching the movie!  Mimi really likes "Cars".

IMG_1139 At the actual pumpkin patch.  Couldn't get them to sit still and smile at the camera.... sigh.....

IMG_1141 Connor was determined to pick up that pumpkin that weighed as much is he does.....

IMG_1143 Corey followed his lead and tried to get this pumpkin....

IMG_1153After the patch it was time to have some downtime playing in the corn pit!  IMG_1154 By the way....I am still getting kernels out of Nissa from this part of the adventure!!  lol


The kids didn't get huge pumpkins.  We were able to get them little mini pumpkins from one of the stands at the farm.  They were happy 'cause all they wanted all day was a "punkin".  It was a fun day and we were all completely wore out by the time we got home.  We stopped at Mc.D's for dinner and chowed down on some cheeseburgers and fries.

I wonder what is in store for our next adventure??......we will see........

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