Friday, October 10, 2008

Welcome to the Adventures of Nissa

My wonderful sister and I have decided that we are going to create an online journal documenting our various Saturday outings.  My mini van has now been nicknamed "Nissa" and thus the name of the blog and the idea was born.  We have 4 children between us, three of them are mine, although I might as well claim hers too!

My children are Phoenix, Connor and Ian.  Corey is my sister's only son and my nephew.  We are very close and love to spend time with each other.  Even though I have all the kids all week while Lisa is at work, I still love getting out on the weekends with them all.  Am I crazy?  If you know me, then you already know the answer to that question!  LOL

Here is Nissa:


Nissa's Adventurers are:

Cris  IMG_1171_NEW

Lisa - Picture coming soon!

Phoenix (age 9) IMG_1192_NEW

Connor (age 3)  and Ian (age 2) IMG_1230_NEW

Corey (16 months) - IMG_1159_NEW


Now let the adventures begin!!!

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